Thursday, May 7, 2020

Biography Of Klaus s World Ripped Apart - 1482 Words

At eight years old, Klaus’s world ripped apart. In his juvenile mind, the forest he loved was being murdered. All of his happy memories took place there, including the only memories he shared with his father. Loggers chopped down all the trees—his mother said new houses were being built there. But Klaus could not understand why they had to take away his forest, and his memories. ***20 years later*** Klaus decided to become a certified environmentalist. After years of college and not being taken seriously, he was now ready to do something to be proud of. He needed to save a forest! Nobody understood why Klaus wanted to be an environmentalist. He had a very high intelligence--perhaps even bright enough to be a successful lawyer or a doctor; but instead, he chose to be a â€Å"tree-hugger†, as people called it. Klaus knew his chosen profession was mocked, but he knew that he was needed. For Klaus’s first assignment, he was to travel to the pint-sized town of Wellington, located right on the edge of a forest and a large river. Upon Klaus’s first arrival, the town’s Sheriff met him at the house he would be staying at. The Sheriff, who Klaus thought he could count on to want the forest to be saved, turned out to be the exact opposite. The Sheriff wanted to build a lodge deep in the forest, which would mean the trees would be cut down for building the lodge, and for roads to get to and from the lodge. The river, a place salmon passed through on their journey to the ocean, was not

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